Attack From Mars

pw afm1Martians have attacked Pizza West.  Attack from Mars was added to the lineup on June 12th.  Note:  This is not the game that I restored and that is documented on this web site.

AFM will probably only be in Pizza West for a few months.  So if you’ve wanted to play this game in the wild, now is your chance.  Don’t miss it.

The Simpsons Pinball Party

tsppThe Simpsons Pinball Party makes its return to Pizza West.  The Wizard of Oz has gone somewhere over the rainbow.  It was fun having it in there.  The current lineup is Doctor Who, Iron Man, The Simpsons Pinball Party, Star Wars (Data East), Tri Zone, Theatre of Magic, and Whirlwind.

April Tournament at Pizza West

pw apr 2014Congratulations to Jason S. for winning the April tournament at Pizza West. Chris S. placed second and Steve H. placed third.  Chris had to leave early so he didn’t get included in the photo.

We had 20 players, full results can be found at

The next tournament is May 17th at 5:00.